We are having a very sunny spring a bit cold with the easterly wind, the borders have been weeded and grass edges trimmed, all shows off the beautiful flowers, I would like the orchard to be let grown wild but John is a tidy man and all lawns have to be like bowling greens. Late April sees the blossoming of the two plum trees quick and short this year hopefully we will get a plum harvest later. In full blossom are the cherry trees I have four two sweet eating cherries one for the birds out in the orchard and one for us in the fruit cage.

The other two cherries are morello cherries for cooking they are also in the fruit cage.

Also this time of the year we have blossom coming on the two blueberry bushes in the fruit cage.

At the beginning of may it’s the turn of the apple trees and crab apples.
the black bumble bees have started to nest on the right hand side of the poly tunnel there are three or four nesting there where the sun comes up in the east and it’s lovely and warm in the morning. Until next month happy gardening. XX
A very informative update, I like reading about how your garden is changing, the blossoms here were so pretty this year. There is one street full of cherry trees so when you drive up it there are beautiful pink blossoms on both sides of the street.