From a field that dairy cows grazed on , to 20 years later we have a plot which is wild life friendly a hedge that grows blackthorne for sloes, Rosa rugosa for rose hips, hazel for nuts, and brier rose for some colour. On the right side of the plot is an orchard of 14 different fruit trees, with fruit cage in the middle, and a poly tunnel and veg plot on the left. My role in all of this is too buy plants and harvest the produce, hubby John bless him looks after it all, a gardener from young with a mountain of knowledge , from his flower garden through to the fruit and veg.
I will blog from month to month on what’s growing and what I shall do with it. At the moment the garden plot is just stirring in to spring, and we have our daphne “ Atlantica” in full bloom, it started in December and goes right through to April.

Your garden is beautiful Linda. I love seeing the photo's. x
Looking great! Must get started on my garden again - but it's sleeting outside with snow threatening - so maybe not today!!
How wonderful to have such a great piece of land. It sounds a little like where I lived in England, there was a field right behind the house and a lot of wild plants grew. Our garden wasn't so large and my ex wasn't any kind of gardener though. Any flowers we planted were all by me and I didn't know very much so mostly threw down seeds or planted annuals, but we had sloes and damsons and blackberries growing at the back by the fields and our neighbours were all older and had wonderful gardens.
I look forwards to seeing how your garden changes over the year. Do you have any wildlife you have to contend with? We hav…