Been making some dishcloth and some face wipes as I had some cotton to use up the clothes some of them I used two balls of yarn together as so thin it’s a free pattern.cast on 4 stitches knit one row next roe knit two then yarn over knit to end you do that every row until you have 50 stitches.Then decrease rows knit 1 knit 2 together yarn over knit 2 together you do that every row until 4 stitches left cast off.

I love these LIsa. I really enjoy crocheting dishcloths and face scrubbies. I used to knit them too. My mum and I made that exact same pattern you used, I think it's called "Grandmothers Favourite". They are so useful I love the yarn you used? Do you remember what brand it was?
Yes mt thats how the cloths come out with the pattern.yes face wipes are crochet.😊
I've been trying to use up my yarn stash too! That's a great idea Lisa! Does that pattern give you the fancy edges too?
Love the face wipes - are they crocheted?
They are fab Lisa. Loving the colours. x
They look great and really useful. I have so much yarn I want to use up. I really have to stop buying it but then you see that beautiful colour of soft yarn and can't help myself. My other problem is I always want to save it for the perfect item, I have had some alpaca yarn for a few years now and it is lovely but I hate to 'waste' it on a project I don't 'love' :D
Handy cloths , cotton yarn can be expensive so good to use up leftovers
what lovely colours , they would brighten up any kitchen. Linda x