Odds and ends made up into Granny Squares , bordered in turquoise (NOT my SS gift yarn!) and orange and trimmed with brown eyelash yarn. (was running out of this but found some for £1 a ball on the net!)
Quite pleased! 🙂
And what's shaping up to be rather a HUGE afghan from some yarn on offer from Aldi - baby yarn it said but it is CHUNKY - and HOW! - and I got 12 of them - white, yellow and violet.
I made the further mistake of casting on 150 stiches on 10 mm needles - and I am hating it with a vengeance with every stitch.😑
Thought it would be easier in garter stitch - but Note to Self - next time do garter stitch all in purl - a damn sight easier!
I'm doing one ball a day - and I shall get there if it kills me!😶
Pictured below - four days of my life!!

Great work , is the chunky yarn going to be heavy ?
Beautiful. loving the colours. x
Gorgeous colours and such a lovely cheerful blanket to have out in February with all this stormy weather. x