My mum asked me to make a small out fit for my nephew s and his partners baby she was born a month early was 3 and a half pounds when born now 4lb .They are a young couple so tried to make it look a bit more modern rather then adding bows.
They are lovely I’m not a fan of bows either it does age an item the flowers are lovely. You might want to let them know that Amazon sells premature clothes in different sizes, I know because I’ve bought them for Alia’s dolls. I hope the baby continues to do well is she out of hospital?
They are beautiful Lisa. Loving the flowers, and the colours are great. x
Lisa, they are adorable! Hope things settle down soon for the new parents!
Absolutely lovely. I also love the modern touch rather than bows .
Awe so cute lisa
They are lovely I’m not a fan of bows either it does age an item the flowers are lovely. You might want to let them know that Amazon sells premature clothes in different sizes, I know because I’ve bought them for Alia’s dolls. I hope the baby continues to do well is she out of hospital?
Those are so adorable. Love the little flowers. Glad she is doing well and putting on weight. x