My main craft is hand sewing and I seem to have loads of tubes and packets of expensive needles for different types of sewing eg. embroidery, quilting etc. I also love being organised so made myself a needle book so they are all stored in one place.
It looks lovely, I like the hearts on it, and the patchwork. I don't do a lot of hand sewing, i try to do none but at times there is just no getting around it. Over time I've ended up with all kinds of needles and keep them in a similar book.
Well done corralling all those needles! Nifty job too!
That is so lovely. Really useful too. x
That's lovely and so useful Sally-Ann. I must organise mine someday!
It looks lovely, I like the hearts on it, and the patchwork. I don't do a lot of hand sewing, i try to do none but at times there is just no getting around it. Over time I've ended up with all kinds of needles and keep them in a similar book.
Love it sally-Ann , you should have joined our fabric book challenge , your needle book is a perfect example .I love the back page
Great idea inside as well my needles are all over the place .