I made this lined appliqué tote bag from a kit. I’m absolutely not a kit person but wanted to learn some new skills and I liked the design. First time doing appliqué with bondaweb, first time sewing with heavy duty canvas and making a lined tote bag with handles, first time using a “bulky seam aid” on the sewing machine (will now always use it) and first time using a fusing mat. Thoroughly enjoyed it and learned a lot. I'm now hooked on making tote bags. There is still some canvas left so will make another one but this time I’ll do my own design, maybe something Christmasy.

Wait! Am I going to get a fellow bag maker? I love this
Sally-ann you have done a very professional job well done x
A great looking bag Sally Ann , just right to keep a wool project in .
That's smashing, Sally Ann!
Didn't she do well 👍👍👍!
I like kits as a good way to learn new techniques, and as small and achievable makes.
That looks a really good one!
It looks fabulous Sally-Ann. I love it. x
I love it sally-Ann and it's so useful , great job I look forward to seeing your Christmas one