Some small makes.
🦉 owl and 🐱 cat from Osbourne kiddie book.
( Don't mention the war - sorry, the owl's beak - he is very sensitive.)
And some Christmas makes - two sides of a felt pudding kit, and a cross stitch robin.
The latter is a card kit, but I may use all three on a wall hanging or garland.

Lovely Maritrez, I wonder how many children want to learn to knit right now? Is it too outdated for them do you think? I didn't get into crochet until a few years ago, growing up I always imagined a little old granny in her rocking chair knitting and thought it wasn't for me. But now there are so many more unique things to make like the little animals that maybe it will catch on again. I only ever saw my mom and grandma and my sister make sweaters and cardigans. I love that little Robin picture and the Christmas puddings look so fun, they would like great stitched onto a stocking.
They're all lovely makes. Particuly love the little robin with his Christmas hat x