Sorting out stuff, came upon a couple of WIP cushion covers from years go I had no desire to finish, so framed them in hoops. The tapestry one - the hoop was too big, so I finished it off with hessian cord. The cross-stitch bird looks a bit drunk, but I was concentrating on the branch when I framed it.
I was going to pinch the oval frame from this daffodil kit I had bought in a charity shop way back, and hadn't even started, but the canvas was glued to it, so I gave it a go. Quite chuffed with the result.

Thanks, Lily! 😁
Thank you ladies, !! 😊
Just seen these , lots of work involved , love them
They are fab MT. x
They are lovely I like the flowers one best because I like the colors but the daffodil one is very effective
Very nice mt .x