Hi this is how I am doing my journal lisa , I have not made them before so this is just my method

Individual pages then fold as in junk journals , made from calico
second method I tried is concertina pages again calico ,

next I prepared random backgrounds from scraps

and then add your prompt for the month

make a cover for finished book leaving a big enough spine to allow pages to be sewn in
hope this makes sense
Doh! Thanks Liz! 😳
Has your scrap fabric parcel arrived yet lisa it was posted Thursday
Thank you liz thats very helpful i have got to order some calico then I can get started
In the challenge page maritrez , august was a snowflake page and a wreath page making first 2 pages of your book
That’s great Linda! Thanks!
Now, I know I am being stupid here, but where do I find the prompt of the month?