Molly wanted to do some flower bashing (also known as flower pounding or Tataki Zome) for her school textiles project. So we had some fun bashing the flowers onto fabric to get the natural dyes out. Its quite addictive and results are lovely. All you need are fresh flowers/petals/leaves, a hammer and some fabric. Place your fabric on a hard surface. Put your flowers, petals or leaves on top of the fabric. We then put a piece of kitchen roll paper on top and then with the hammer bashed. Doesn't take long and you will see the natural dyes coming through the kitchen roll.

Wow.....It looks gorgeous. I love it. x
Seen this on YouTube.
So it's actually REAL ??
🤩 Wow!
Bang away there, Molly 🔨 !
That's such a coincidence Sally-Ann I was thinking of doing the same thing myself. I bought some special paper that is washable and you can use it as fabric, it's really strong and tear proof, you can draw on it print on it ec. I had thought about doing the flower pounding thing onto that and then using the paper to make a bag. Yours came out really well, does Molly know what she is going to make with it yet? I was also wondering if i would need to coat it with something to stop it fading.
Good results molly 😊 are they permanent or do you need to do something else to fix I wonder
They have come out very clear is molly going to embroider or machine embroider her ones. What a lovely result I see mark got involved hammering.😂