I found this new gadget to make I cord quickly. It’s three rag rug hooks in a tool handle once you get used to holding the tool you get into a rythum and go very fast like crocheting.
When i was a kid i used a wooden cotton reel with nails hammered in the top i made miles of cord but could never think of anything to make with it. I look forward to seeing your ideas for the cord. That gadget looks easier to hold than a little cotton reel
When i was a kid i used a wooden cotton reel with nails hammered in the top i made miles of cord but could never think of anything to make with it. I look forward to seeing your ideas for the cord. That gadget looks easier to hold than a little cotton reel
That looks like a useful gadget. x
For me no liz. But holding it like a crochet hook and holding the I cord at the top and it’s like crocheting . It’s practice. That hones your skill.
Looks useful but tricky to use linda