Made this it is a ugly mug monster face it will be a yarn bowl if it doesn't crack i have got it in dehydrated on lowest setting hoping to dry it quicker.wont be most peoples taste I like something a bit different.Then yarn will come out of his nose.

Fab. Really made me smile. Love it. x
Oooooh - how horrid! 😄
That's hilarious 😂. Nobody will have one quite like it for sure. I can't wait to see how you paint him!
Took out bucket and added ears 😆😆
Sorry it’s started to crack Lisa , please patch him and I look forward to seeing him painted. . Patience 😂
I had to stop drying in dehydrater it did start cracking so I repaired the cracks and will have to be patient and let it dry which is annoying as I can't wait to paint it 😀
Wow that's different. Such a clever project x
Ugly but useful lisa , are you going to paint it ? 😆