I hope by showing you the harvest of the day it might encourage you to grow your own , all these can be grown in pots even one plant of dwarf beans in a pot will give you loads of free dinners. And a courgette can be grown in a cold frame or a greenhouse. I even found four more strawberries John has eaten one imagine a few strawberry plants in a strawberry pot you could be eating strawberries before Wimbledon with ice cream. Go on have a go.

One pot with four bamboo canes will grow you a lot of runner beans .
The weather has been so disappointing here, and with one thing and another the garden has sort of got away from us. Last year Harry moved around with a little paint brush to pollinate our apple trees. Wonder would it work with runner beans.?
A great display of potted plants and veg, it’s nice to read about every one growing their own. There are not a lot of bees around to pollinate the runner beans so they the beans are not very abundant may be they will be later in the summer.
Lovely supply you have there Linda, My husband has been planting vegetables for quite a few years now, we have a couple of apple trees and some peach trees, a plum tree and a pear though the pear has never given us any fruit. This year I got a little fig tree that I put in a pot and a raspberry bush that I put in a pot. I have grown strawberries in the past but the squirrels get to them before me. We have deer and groundhogs that usually get to my husbands vegetables too. This year he is building a fence to keep the deer out, the groundhogs will just go underneath of course they are burrowing animals.
I also have a towering planter for herbs. This is a picture of it that I took in May, when I first did my planters, they are a lot fuller now of course and the herbs are doing really well all the container parts have something growing, many need picking to be fair.
I grew tomatoe plants on the window ledges few years ago , but they took over and I couldn’t see out .lol
I think my kittens would destroy any plants indoors ,