I have a long project that I am working on. Every year I identify various trees and shrubs etc. in the garden and then by the following year have forgotten the name. I was going to buy some labels but couldn’t find anything that were didn't need to be pinned or tied to the trees as I don’t want to risk damaging them, so decided to make my own. Over the next year I am going to identify the tree/shrubs and make my own wood pyrography labels. We have some metal U-shaped ground pegs and Mark has bent over the top for me. I then make the wooden labels and put some yachting varnish on. These are the few few.

They look super. Years since I've done pyrography.
Very neat lettering too!
Such a good idea sally- Ann
That's a great idea sally Ann we have the same steel pegs so just need to get some wood labels , then I can make the same , thanks for the inspiration.
Fab idea, and they look lovely. x
What a great idea.
Nice idea. I use an app to identify plants. The one I use is free for a trial period which is probably long enough for you to identify your trees