Found this Kiddie-kit malingering at the back of my stash so made it.
Used no-nails instead of the nails - quite successful - then stained it with shoe polish instead of painting it.
It's in the garden now - hope it may turn out useful for a little birdie - if I'm not too late in the season!

Thanks all!
Hope I get some sparrows in mine! Will check the varnish for next year.
We do still have the camera nest, but moved it to the arch in the back garden, which is a bit far to connect the cable to the tv. But we have loads of sparrows nesting in it .
Love it and such i good tip mt xx
That looks fab Maritrez. A great idea. x
Shoe polish has wax in it so I'm guessing it would last at least a season, maybe clean it up and add another coat next year. I do like the look of the shoe polish. I have to admit I do hate staining things I don't know why, maybe because I only have small projects and I can never get a small enough pot of stain. Last thing I stained was the bunny shelf I did with lollipop sticks for that I found this pack of clothes, like wet wipes but they had stain on them, you just wore gloves and rubbed the wipes over the wood, it worked great but shoe polish would have been cleaner to use
I hope you get some birds I think some birds nest several times a year so even if you have missed spring you might get some later.
do you still have your camera nest Linda?
That looks great, is shoe polish weather proof then?
It’s looking good and must remember shoe polish idea .
What an inspiration to use shoe polish. Looks lovely. Fingers crossed you get some occupants 🐣x