Well what can you do I should of netted them but didn't think as the plants where in the poly tunnel. So after having my hair cut and blow dried we went to the local garden centre a mile down the road.. I bought snack sweet peppers two plants, aubergine small ones two plants. And sweet potatoe plants. The internet tells me sweet potatoes are not a potatoe but a vegetable so they grow from slips not as tubers in the grown. So a new veg for me to grow. Peppers and aubergines are going in big pots in the poly tunnel and netted. Going to do that tonight as it is over 100 in the poly tunnel.

EDIT. My mistake a sweet potatoe is a climber but it is the roots of the plant that are the edible sweet potatoe . I bought a red sweet potatoe and a white sweet potatoe .
Happy Bunny - little rat! Glad you netted so many interesting replacements Instead!
Looking good! 🐇 🐰
we haven't grown many crops in the last couple of years, we have rabbits, deer and groundhogs, nothing seems to deter them. Deer are very persistent and will cause damage trying to get to what they want and the groundhog will just burrow underneath if you cover them with netting. I've regularly looked out at the bird feeder to see a deer chomping at the feeders and a groundhog happily getting the seeds that have fallen on the floor while the birds wait their turn in the trees.
They look like good healthy plants that you got, I hope you get a good crop from them without anymore animals snacking on them.
That’s interesting linda , I like sweet potato chips , sorry to hear a bunny had breakfast in the polytunnel , I have a decent gooseberry crop , but not a lover of them , just gooseberry fool