Wow.....Sarah.....What a wonderful surprise I had when I opened my parcel to find not one bag.....but two bags.....One for myself and one for Chloe. They are absolutely amazing. The work that goes into them too with all of the details on them is amazing. Chloe (and Sarah) are unwell at the moment, they have both caught this really awful stomach virus that's going around, so I'm not seeing them this weekend. I have next week off work though and I can't wait to surprise Chloe with her wonderful gift. I know she will absolutely love it. It will match the Hello Kitty necklace she has too. A giant thank you again Sarah for the such gorgeous bags. It's really so kind of you. xxx

I'm glad you both received your prizes and I hope Chloe likes it. it's so hard to know what children are into at the moment, I remember the one i made for you Carolyn, it was black and white with a pink lining, It's lovely to hear you still have it.
thank you for all the lovely comments everyone
Absolutely gorgeous! The workmanship is amazing!
Nice surprise for Chloe - who helped you with the colours!!
Hope both the girls are better soon!
Gorgeous bags. I love the one Sarah made me years ago, still my favourite!
Wow they look amazing. xx
Amazing she is going to love it xx