At the moment you can't buy these decal other models and there about 60 pound a set .I sanded down base

I then found some decals for a different model singer on ebay for 20 pound.added those then some clear varnish to seal thus is her finished i crochet cotton dollies.

Wow.....You’ve done a fab job Lisa. She looks beautiful. x
Thank you ladies.x
Oh, well done, Lisa. Those other decals were a good find.
Super work again!
Beautiful job! We found a lovely old hand machine in the loft when we moved house the previous time, I think it's a Jones. After a little oiling it works just fine.
Your a genius love your makeovers Lisa
That’s a grand job Lisa and so quickly done , I hope you feel lots of job satisfaction
you have done the old machine proud
It looks stunning Lisa a job well done so what are you going to sew on it?