Linda's crocheted flowers and Lisa's origami butterflies reminded me I had some planked somewhere from some time ago so I looked them out, and this is them (these are they) -
flowers crocheted in yarn, flowers crocheted in embroidery floss (lovely jewel colours!) and I seem to have carded up long ago all my origami flowers, and all I have left with are kites - so I have several happy (and maybe not very demanding projects) future projects now circling my brain! (NOTcircling the drain)

Can’t wait to see what you do with them x
They are fab. Gorgeous colours. Looking forward to seeing what projects you make with them. x
Remember a pic of your future project with those flowers MT just in time for easter maybe a wreath
Your crochet flowers are wonderful, it’s no wonder your brain is thinking of future projects. Let us know what you will do with the flowers. X