Linda the round thing on the floor is a corrugated cardboard cat scratcher , they love these things and sleep in them too . The comfort cushion is a gel cushion I got on the internet
That’s good liz glad it’s helping you you are on the last legs of the house warming build. Can you describe your first photo what’s the round thing on the floor, and is this the utility room. I see you have a comfort cushion John is the same he likes a cushion to sit on but he has used my ordinary cushions . I told him no more he has to buy himself a comfort cushion so where and what is yours .
They do this on YouTube - pics before, during and after!
It certainly helps to realise you ARE progressing!
Good work, Liz!
Linda the round thing on the floor is a corrugated cardboard cat scratcher , they love these things and sleep in them too . The comfort cushion is a gel cushion I got on the internet
That’s good liz glad it’s helping you you are on the last legs of the house warming build. Can you describe your first photo what’s the round thing on the floor, and is this the utility room. I see you have a comfort cushion John is the same he likes a cushion to sit on but he has used my ordinary cushions . I told him no more he has to buy himself a comfort cushion so where and what is yours .