Was not sure where to add this thread hope it ok hear.Desiree had some roses from her boyfriend she wants me to put one in resin.Now not sure if they would have been better a bit fresher as they was falling apart I pick four so we have spares I have hang them upside down in the dehydrator to dry out so far the fan isn’t making the petals fall off.I then have found a kit on Amazon a light bulb mould with lights so I am hoping to put a rose in one of them for her.

Looking super, Lisa!
Off on another great adventure!
The roses have dried I have ordered the light bulb mould will update how it goes.x
I would love to know how it all goes Lisa , lovely idea
I hope it works. What a special keep sake
Maybe we need a gardening section, this could have gone in there, though it's fine here. I'm just trying to limit the sections so we don't end up with lots of dead areas. I will add a gardening section though because lots of people like to post their garden pics during the spring and summer.
What a lovely idea!