I drew this rabbit picture with coloured pencils on card as a protective pad for Alia's desk. I'm going to do another picture on the other side so she can flip it when she's bored and I'm going to laminated it. I did a similar thing for my daughter when she was little and her desk stayed in great condition so I'm hoping this helps too.
The rabbit in the middle was the first one I drew and well partly because I'm not a natural artist and partly because the card was so big and flat on a table in front of me, I was working at a weird angle and didn't think to look directly down at it, until too late. So that rabbit's face is a bit off, ( it did look so much worse at first but I managed to fix it a bit) However I didn't fix it completely and so my son named that rabbit 'Old Shovel Face" 🤣😂 Sorry about the light glare at the top middle, that isn't a weird cloud it's just the glare of the light, though to be fair it might look like I'm a genius and added in the sun;s rays, but I didn't. 😄

thank you for your kind comments everyone. x
That’s such a pretty picture!
You could photocopy ant print it for Alia’s wall too.
Show it off!
Its gorgeous, I bet Alia loves it. This would make a lovely card, or kids birthday party invitation. x
A gorgeous picture Sarah. Such a great idea. x
Such a lovely picture you are a very good artist Sarah. All the rabbits are very life like they don’t look wonky to me. What is the other side going to be of?
It’s brilliant sarah and such a good idea , love it