When we went camping last week I made a sausage cassrole leave to bubble away for 20 mins and put in my insulated bag was in there for four hours and was ready in dolly to eat perfectly cooked.well worth having something like this to hand if without power I keep a camping stove in the cupboard jyst incase to.

Looks really great!
As does the Traybake - I'm a sweet-tooth!
Thoughts of electricity cuts ....Thank you for that, Lisa! 😐
They both look delicious LIsa, I make sausage stew in the winter, it's delicious, looks like mine is a little different ingredients but that's the thing with stew you can throw in whatever veggies you like. Also I buy sausage meat and roll it into little meat balls, instead of using sausages but that's because sausages in America are awful, and so full of gristle and such that I won't eat them, the sausage meat where you can clearly see what is in it when you are forming the meatballs tends to be better quality here. If I still lived in the UK though I would absolutely just use sausages. The other good thing about using sausage meat is if there isn't quite enough you can mix some breadcrumbs in with it to make it go a little further 😁
They look delicious. x
What a brilliant looking insulated bag. Sausage stew is one I must try
Yum, Coffee and walnut is one of my favourites. Love sausage stew. Never thought to add baked beans so will try that next time x
I had forgotten about this insulated bag lisa , I will check it out .
Casserole looks really wholesome