This is my recipe for making this apple upside down cake with treacle and cooking apples from my tree.
the cake is very light and for a change I added currants to the cake.
8oz self raising flour 1/2 baking powder. Line and grease a baking dish with baking paper drop in
6oz stork 1desert spoon of treacle put aside. Cream together the
6oz dark brown sugar. stork margarine and sugar add the eggs then fold in the
2 eggs. Flour and baking powder, fold in the currants. peel and chop cooking apple lay. Chop apple and put on top of treacle, put the cake mixture on
4oz currants. top then bake in the oven at 180c. Till a knife comes out
1. desert spoon of treacle. Clean about 45 to 50 minutes. Turn out of tin and take off
Baking paper . There you have it.

1. Big cooking apple cut in to chunks. Xx
That looks so good Linda
That looks scrumptious - and just a little bit different too!!
Yummy linda thanks for sharing .
It looks delicious. I keep meaning to make a cake in my bread machine I must get on with it soon.