Made a cinnamon loaf to munch on whilst decorating the Christmas tree(s). I made a sweet dough mixture, left it to prove for a few hours, then rolled the dough out, sprinkled a generous amount of cinnamon and sugar all over. Now roll it up like a swiss roll. I then cut it down the middle and folded it making a 2 strand plait, this is then put into a cake tin swirling it around. I left it for about an hour to prove again and then put it in the Aga for about 30 minutes. Once it was cooled I drizzled some icing over. Cannot give you a temperature as the Aga is run on coal and wood, all I can say is it was hot. 🎄🎄🎄🎄

Looks and sounds yummy. x
Yum yum desiree would love thus as her favourite is cinnamon buns
Looks yummy sally-ann
Oh, that looks amazing…I am dying here….😍😍😍🤪