One of my Christmas gifts was a new bread machine. I gave it a go this week and I'm so pleased with the results. It is very similar to my old machine, I mean the baking pan is exactly the same other than colour. Which makes me think that it's the same company with a new name or been bought out or something of that nature. It is a newer model though because I have had my old one for quite a few years now, this one has new baking modes that the old one either didn't have or I didn't realise because of the way it's menu worked. This one has a 'french bread' mode which I am so excited about.
American bread is usually quite sweet, they have this awful habit of putting high fructose syrup in their bread, there are a few brands that don't but buying fresh bread is always a bit of a gamble. Some supermarkets (or as they are usually called here, grocery stores) bake their bread sweet, others not so much. but all are quite dense and firm, none have crispy crusts. Even french bread here doesn't have crusts that crack and make a big mess when you slice into them. Usually the crust is tough and chewy.
Since I've lived here the one meal I have really missed is a plain old cheese and onion sandwich on soft fluffy just baked bread with a crispy crust. Well now with my new machine I can have just that. baking European bread isn't about the recipe it's about the proving time and the cooking time and my new bread machine does just that... Yay😁

I’m struck by that picture too…😗
Wonder how well it would go down at our next family gathering…
But I love the bread!
All those crusty sides!
Mmmmmm… toast …..😊
Its fascinating how different countries eat different food. We (I mean my family) are big on honey mustard mayonnaise which we eat with salads and cold ham. I can honestly say I have not heard of potatoes covered in sugar and marshmallows. Is this marshmallows as in the pink and white ones we get here in the UK?
I have found Americans eat less sweets than I think we do in the UK but they add sweet things to their meals a lot more. Like adding sugar to bread and they are big on condiments that are sweet, I had never heard of honey mustard until I came here. A popular side dish for thanksgiving is sweet potatoes covered in brown sugar and marshmallows. I could not believe they put it with their dinner on the same plate as their turkey I thought it was a dessert.
Looks great sarah I love bread machines I must say the one I had before the one I have now made much better bread .i get what you mean about sweet bread we brought some American hotdog rolls and they had quite a sweet taste.
Mmm You cannot beat the smell of baking bread. I bet you enjoyed your cheese and onion sandwich.